Maxwell Debbas

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3fr to X3f = EZ

There is a fundamental problem with digital media.  That problem is file formats! I spend a good amount of time working with videos, photographs, audio, vectors, website development, as well as too much time with presentation software, ebooks, fonts, spreadsheets etc etc.  Each of these applications requires multiple programs and various computing platforms, none of which play well together.  I don't care if you teach higher education multi-media production or 1st grade english, you have without a doubt seen this message or one like it.



The typical workflow would go something like this:  Google both file formats, open the original file in some obscure software that will read it, try to export it into a different file format, upload new exported file into the correct software, hope it works.

Until Cloud Convert ( Cloud Convert allows you to 'convert anything to anything'. It supports over 200 formats, everything from 3fr to vsd.  Change ebook formats, PC files to Mac, image formats from brand to brand, and pretty much anything else you can throw at it.

There is a free version, as well as a paid version, however the free version is enough for most small daily tasks.


definitely a tool to keep in your bookmarks!